Transaction types
Transaction Categories
We divide the transactions into two groups:
L1 transactions, initiated by an Ethereum account on the L1 chain.
L2 transactions, initiated by a shard chain account on the L2 chain.
We support several different circuit block sizes to reduce proof time without filling too much no-op work (or long delays until the circuit block can be fully filled).
L1 Transactions
DepositNFT (In Development)
L2 Transactions
NO-OP transaction is an empty transaction that does not perform any action. It is used in circuit input when there are not enough transactions to fill the maximum number of transactions in a batch. This type of transaction does nothing and sets the availability data for available data to all zeros.
L1 Transactions
All Beacon chain data transactions are concatenated together and hashed in order for the collator to process them. These transactions must satisfy certain rules in order to be processed by the circuit. If any of these rules is not satisfied, the transaction is treated as a NULL transaction.
If any user tries to flood the beacon chain transactions with invalid transactions, they will have to pay the fees associated with beacon chain transactions.
Depositing tokens from a beacon chain account to a shard chain account. If depositing ERC-20 tokens, the user first needs to approve the deposit contract so that the contract can be transferred to it using transferFrom
. Native tokens for beacon chains are supported without additional packaging. If the account does not exist, a new account will be created.
360 bits/deposit
6 chips (80bits/chip)
FullWithdraw operation is initiated by the smart contract of the beacon chain and is guaranteed by the smart contract. This request needs to be processed within a reasonable time, otherwise the shard chain will be considered to have a critical problem and the contract will enter SafeExit mode. The process of entering the SafeExit mode is as follows:
The user can directly call the smart contract function requestFullWithdraw
on the beacon chain to withdraw funds from the contract. requestFullWithdraw
is a priority operation, and if the priority operation is not processed within the time specified in the contract (default is 5 days), anyone can call the activateSafeExitMode
function to activate the SafeExit mode. During SafeExit mode, all transactions on the shard chain will be stopped and all users can withdraw funds by calling performSafeExit
SafeExit mode ensures beacon chain level security for the DTX network. Users can always permissionlessly reconstruct state data and withdraw funds.
880 bits/fullWithdraw(in the most common case)
11 chips (80bits/chip)
The FullWithdrawNFT operation is similar to the FullWithdraw mechanism we introduced above, it is initiated by the smart contract of the beacon chain and is guaranteed by the smart contract.
880 bits/fullWithdrawNFT(in the most common case)
11 chips (80bits/chip)
Layer-2 Transactions
All transactions of the shard chain are sent by the user to the collator. The collator collects them into a batch to be sent to the beacon chain. The collator must check the valid transactions it has collected and must not perform invalid transition states. Otherwise, the proof computed by the collator will be invalid. The user can submit any transaction data to the collator, but if the transaction cannot be processed, it will be rejected.
UpadtePublicKey - Change the public key of the shard chain account, which is used to authorize transactions in the shard chain. UpdatePublicKey is authorized with an ethereum private key whose address is the same as the address of the shard chain account.
440 bits/updatePublicKey (in the most common case)
6 chips (80bits/chip)
Transfers tokens between two accounts inside the shard chain.
Not all features available for transfers using EdDSA signatures are available using on-chain authorization methods (like dual author transfers).
160 bits/transfer (in the most common case)
2 chips (80bits/chip)
If the recipient account does not exist yet on the shard chain, it will be created and a numeric ID will be assigned to the provided address.
320 bits/transferToNewAddr (in the most common case)
6 chips (80bits/chip)
A withdrawal is used to transfer tokens from a shard chain to a beacon chain.
376 bits/withdraw (in the most common case)
6 chips (80bits/chip)
Atomic Swap lets you swap tokens with an existing account safely and cheaply.
400 bits/swap (in the most common case)
5 chips (80bits/chip)
Withdraw tokens from an inactive shard chain account to the Ethereum address corresponding to a shard chain account. An inactive shard chain account is an account with no shard chain signature key set.
408 bits/forcedWithdraw (in the most common case)
6 chips (80bits/chip)
This transaction is used to generate NFT directly on shard chain. We allow the creator to choose whether to generate it to himself or directly to others.
376 bits/mintNFT (in the most common case)
5 chips (80bits/chip)
Transfers NTF between two accounts inside the shard chain.
Not all features available for transfers using EdDSA signatures are available using on-chain authorization methods (like dual author transfers).
160 bits/transferNFT (in the most common case)
2 chips (80bits/chip)
If the recipient account does not exist yet on the shard chain, it will be created and a numeric ID will be assigned to the provided address.
320 bits/transferToNewAddrNFT (in the most common case)
6 chips (80bits/chip)
Atomic swap allows you to exchange with existing accounts safely and cheaply. It supports not only the exchange between NFT and NFT, but also the exchange between NTF and fungible tokens.
400 bits/swapNFT (in the most common case)
5 chips (80bits/chip)
Withdraws NFT from a shard chain to a beacon chain.
760 bits/withdrawNFT (in the most common case)
10 chips (80bits/chip)
Last updated